Last updated: May 10 2004 09:00:13


Top: Computers: Internet: Services: irc: networks: BetasIRC Sun Feb 08 221820 2004
    • Bestmovies 322 users- [+rnt]
    • betas 360 users- [+rntSCf] [ Welcome ² #betas ][ Soon: Something Special 2/3 done ][ Serving: Dell Media Experience-BetasIRC and Patch, VSIP.Extras.SDK.2003.Beta, JLCA3 Beta, HIS2k4Beta2, DCT 5.2 Beta2, HCT Beta, CorelDRAW.Graphics.Suite.v12, MSI 3.0 Beta 2, DAP Cracked, BetasIRCCustomXP3A, Microsoft.Windows.XP.Tablet.PC.Edition.2004.Alpha.Upgrade ]
    • Betas-XDCC 698 users- [+rntm] [ Welcome to #betas-xdcc. Want to chat or need help? Join #betas. Please do not use Bottlers, IRC-Ork, or other Autodownloaders due to the fact of hammering and XDCC abuse. Security = Bot to rid the channel of Auto-Downloaders (Hammerers) ] -bottler
    • boogie*ps2 404 users- [+rnt] ----------------> #BooGie*PS2 0sec CONSOLE FOR YOU!!! 10 mbit+/100gig+ LINES MSG PiP <----------------
    • elite 491 users- [+rnt] [ELiTE] Don't /msg
    • elite-servers 580 users- [+rntmL] [ELiTE] We are looking for Dumps/Fillers, if anyone wants to help out please apply within, fillers must fill new releases and nothing more than 3 months old.. if its old and everyone is after it i can sort it out for you and allow it, also your uploads must be more than 50kb/s... thanks
    • killer-roms 57 users- [+rnt] ULTIMATE ROM CHANNEL OF THE SERVERS!!! COME IN NOW BIATCHES!!!!
    • mp3-xdcc 224 users- [+rntm] -bottler ....::: Welcome to our new channel -- We have a few servers up and running.... still recruiting more :::.... If you would like to serve your mp3s here, join #mp3-chat and we'll set you up
    • porn[godz] 231 users- [+rnt]
    • psx-zip 292 users- [+rnt] Welcome To [-#-P-S-X---Z-i-p-] All The Best [-PSX, PS2, Dreamcast, And Xbox-] Serve if you can, Serve anything you like.. Need Help Serving or Just wanna Chat Join #psx-ps2chat Have Fun Leeching.. we need more servers we reward good msg a op when u start serving so u get distro in a week
    • warforge 67 users- [+rnt] -= WarForge Channel =- Rules: No Racism, No Warez, No ETA, No Spaming/Flaming, Don’t Msg ops, Speak English, Don’t talk about other teams developments, Status Must be Earned (No exceptions)